Greetings all.
Well here we are at Christmas time and what do you know, my computer is dead. What we first suspected was the power supply may now be a motherboard problem. Woohoo! This is a $2000 machine that's less than a year and a half old. I think it got zapped by lightning or a power surge last week when my power went out.
So I'm writing this on my parents computer where I'll be until the day after Christmas. Hopefully I'll know what's wrong and can get some parts to bring my computer back to life.
So anyone that's sent me cards in trade and haven't gotten an email that I've gotten them, never fear I'll see them when I get home and find some way to let everyone know.
That's all I've got. Have a great Christmas everyone and good luck for the new year.
I'm still here... again
15 years ago